
Arkema volunteers throughout America

Philadelphia, PA – In August, Arkema participated in its first volunteer event as an official partner of Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia. Arkema employees, led by their regional manager Tony O’Donovan, joined Habitat’s professional contractors to work on a home which is part of a 21 affordable homes project. Through its three-year sponsorship with Habitat Philadelphia, Arkema will provide a total of $330,000 in funding, donate its sustainable building products and offer its technical expertise, and contribute employee volunteers to help build homes in addition to other programs to support Philadelphians. Arkema’s contributions will help Habitat Philadelphia to increase homeownership rates for people of color, creating strong and stable communities.

Every summer, Arkema researchers and scientists across the U.S. spend a few days providing local teachers with new resources and lessons to make Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) learning fun for their students. This year, more than 30 local teachers benefited from the program.

“It’s imperative that we continue to inspire future generations to pursue careers in STEM and manufacturing as opportunities in these fields continues to grow. ” Tony O’Donovan, CEO of Arkema Inc.

Since its introduction in 1996, the Science Teacher Program helped hundreds of teachers spark an interest in STEM among their students.