
North American Biopolymer Summit to be held in Cleveland, OH this October

London, UK – ACI to host The North American Biopolymer Summit in Cleveland, Ohio. Taking place on the 2nd & 3rd October 2024, this summit is your go-to for the latest in sustainable materials. This summit will keep you up to date on biopolymer trends, regulatory insights, and strategies to tackle industry challenges. Get ready for engaging sessions exploring cutting-edge technologies, discovering new opportunities, and addressing key issues in North American biopolymers. The summit brings together executives from biopolymer manufacturing, research pioneers, regulatory experts, sustainability leaders, supply chain managers, and academic innovators.

Biopolymers sourced from renewable biomass, including plants, animals, and microorganisms, present themselves as promising sustainable substitutes for conventional petroleum-based plastics. Their inherent biodegradability, diminished environmental footprint, and potential for carbon neutrality underscore their viability. The ongoing advancements in biopolymer research and development are propelling progress across diverse applications. These innovations stand poised to alleviate environmental apprehensions linked with conventional plastics while fostering the transition towards a more sustainable and circular economy.