
Lynxter launches new silicone 3D printer.

Paris, France – Lynxter says the S300X is a “groundbreaking” new solution for the 3D printing of elastomers and claims it is the most powerful option on the market today for printing medical and industrial grade silicones and polyurethanes.

According to Lynxter, shapes that would be impossible to be printed are now a thing of the past, thanks to integrated printed support technology. Lynxter says that the S300X is a compact, reliable and sturdy industrial tool with an open philosophy, making it an ideal machine for producing customised masking parts for post processing, dampers, seals, orthoses certified for skin-contact, and textiles with additional functionality.

“S300X, the rapid response capabilities of 3D printing, are now available in industrial and medical grade silicone and polyurethane,” said Thomas Batinge, CEO of Lynxter.

Through this innovation, Lynxter aims to democratise printing with silicone. For medical applications, silicone additive manufacturing makes it possible to produce custom-made devices without taking a manual impression or using a mould. It allows hollowing and the variation of infill rates to render parts lighter or modify properties.

The S300X can print a variety of materials including medical grade RTV2 silicone (5, 10, 25, 40 ShA) certified ISO 10993-05 for contact with skin, industrial grade RTV2 silicone, (45shA) and polyurethane (from 50 to 85 ShA). The silicones are said to be age resistant, require no heavy post processing, and possess mechanical properties equivalent to those of injection moulding.

The new system is fitted with a LIQ11 single-component toolhead to print the support and a two-component LIQ21 toolhead to print the parts. Lynxter says that the two independent extrusion heads make it quick and easy to print complex shapes using soluble support structures.