
The Rubber Division announces August learning opportunities

Akron, OH – The Rubber Division, ACS is offering the following Learning Opportunities for August.

August 4 – Formulating Fridays Webinar: Anti-degradants
August 9 – Course: Setting Up a Rubber Molding Process
August 9 – FREE Webinar: Updates on Regulatory & Advocacy Activities Related to Fluoropolymers (including Fluoroelastomers) in the US, EU & UK
August 11 – Formulating Fridays Webinar: Process Aids
August 17 – NEW! Career Catalyst Webinar: Beat the Bots! Get Your Resume Past the Applicant Tracking System
August 18 – Formulating Fridays Webinar: Formulating Wrap Up
August 21 – Course: Elastomers for Selective Gas Separation, including Carbon Capture
August 24 – Webinar: Maintaining High Performance in Challenging Testing Laboratories
August 30 – Course: An Introduction to Continuous Vulcanization

Featured Training includes:

August 9 – Setting Up a Rubber Molding Process
This program is designed to show how to establish a rubber molding process based on cross link density. The course is designed to show the influence of cross link density on mechanical properties, as well as its influence on de-molding. The overall focus is the design of a rubber molding process that yields the most consistent properties.

August 17 – Career Catalyst Webinar: Beat the Bots! Get Your Resume Past the Applicant Tracking System
Most mid-size and larger organizations use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to pre-screen resumes. If your resume does not match 85% of the criteria from the job posting, your resume may never be seen by human eyes. This webinar will share tips and tricks to “get around” the ATS to land your resume in the “yes” pile and will also provide general resume advice.

August 30 – A Introduction to Continuous Vulcanization
This course was developed for rubber industry employees who currently use Continuous Vulcanization (CV) processes and wish to expand their knowledge or those who wish to gain insights into these processes and how they can be used. It will offer an overview of the variety of commercially viable Continuous Vulcanization processes and their strengths and weaknesses. Following that, it will take the participants into a more in-depth study of the three most common forms of CV, Liquid Curing Media (LCM), better known as the Salt Bath process, Hot Air Vulcanization (HAV) and Microwave/Hot Air Vulcanization. The emphasis will be on practical knowledge that can be utilized in production along with safety concerns that always need to be addressed. We will begin by looking at the common elements to all three processes, namely the extruder and its auxiliary components, plus downstream equipment for cooling and pulling. The course then will look at each of the three CV processes individually giving useful ideas for process improvements that the participants can apply in their own manufacturing. The course will conclude with a brief look at rubber compound development for these CV processes and will conclude with a question and answer session. There will be samples of products made using CV processes available for examination.

Visit for more details.