
The Rubber Division announces new Career Catalyst Webinar sessions

Akron, OH – The Rubber Division’s new Career Catalyst Webinars can help you take your career to the next level by providing the tools and guidance needed to succeed. They will help you make positive changes and move forward in your career.

These webinars are Free for Members and $99 for Non-members.

August 17, 2023; 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. ET
Beat the Bots! Get Your Resume Past the Applicant Tracking System: Most mid-size and larger organizations use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to pre-screen resumes. If your resume does not match 85% of the criteria from the job posting, your resume may never be seen by human eyes. This webinar will share tips and tricks to “get around” the ATS to land your resume in the “yes” pile and will also provide general resume advice.

September 21, 2023; 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. ET
Virtual Interviewing: How is it Different from In-person Interviewing: During and since the pandemic, companies have become increasingly open to offering remote positions. They have been forced to think of creative ways to connect in the employment process, and one of those methods is through virtual interviews. That’s a good thing and a bad thing. It’s good because it keeps us safe and socially distanced, but it’s bad because it’s more difficult to express ourselves, show our body language and build in-person rapport with the interviewer. It’s also worrisome because technical issues happen sometimes when we least expect them, and during an interview is the worst possible time. There are some secrets to a successful virtual interview though, and we will discuss how to present yourself in a virtual interview in this webinar.

November 9, 2023; 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. ET
Using LinkedIn to Increase Your Visibility in the Job Search: LinkedIn is one of the most-used tools by recruiters and professionals to connect with candidates and leads. Yet, many people don’t use LinkedIn to the extent that it would aid them in their job search or increase visibility for themselves or their business. LinkedIn should be your number one marketing tool and is just as important (or more important) than your resume! In this webinar, learn how to make your LinkedIn profile stand out and learn some “insider” tricks to build your online presence.

December 14, 2023; 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. ET
Know Your Worth! Negotiating Salary & Benefits in a New Job: In this webinar, you will learn how to think strategically and to prepare a tactical plan for negotiating effective outcomes in a number of areas of your life, including your salary. You will learn the importance of researching the parties and objectives, to use persuasive communication and to bargain for the desired outcome. This webinar will focus on the importance of the emotional and substantive preparation before negotiating, on anticipating and calibrating your interactions for an improved result and how to handle deviations and various obstacles to reach a successful conclusion.