
Association of Modified Asphalt Producers announces call for abstracts

Glen Ellyn, IL – The Association of Modified Asphalt Producers (AMAP) is hosting its inaugural Call for Abstracts to cover the theme of Technology on the Rise. Submission on topics related to quality, performance, innovation, and implementation in modified asphalt paving and roofing applications are welcome. The abstract must not exceed 500 words and must provide a description of the presentation. If there is specific data that the submitter wishes to include, please use no more than one page for figures and tables. In addition, a resume (maximum of 2 pages) may be submitted along with the abstract to support expertise, if desired. The presentation time slot is scheduled for 40 minutes, with 30-35 minutes allocated for the presentation and an additional 5-10 minutes for Q&A.

Cross-discipline abstracts are welcomed and highly encouraged. Who would we like to hear from? The list below is not all inclusive but intended to provide examples of the variety of presentations that AMAP is seeking:
Equipment companies and innovations to handle modification
Asphalt mixture producers and contractors sharing experiences and lessons learned
Pavement Preservation- Exploring new technology and uses for modification
Agencies / SAPAs- Specification changes, test sections, implementation using modifiers and additives, and challenges
Liquid Suppliers- Examining material effects of different modifiers
Modifier / Additive Suppliers- Delving into supply chain effects and new technologies and applications
Collaborations- Recognizing that we do not work in isolation, let’s explore how collaboration truly gets the job done
Modified Roofing- Industry challenges, current trends, and new uses for modified asphalt in roofing applications

Selection Criteria
The following is a short list of what the selection committee will assess in evaluating the abstract:
Relevance of the topic to AMAP and the Conference theme
Content Credibility
Presenter Expertise
Ensuring the presentation is not an advertisement for a specific company and/or product

Deadline for submittal is April 30, 2024