
Bellofram skinless silicone sponge sheeting beats polyurethane foam at high temperatures

Newell, WV – Skinless silicone sponge sheeting from Bellofram Silicones does everything polyurethane foam can do – all while withstanding much higher temperatures. Polyurethane foam becomes brittle or crumbles when exposed to high temperatures, but Bellofram’s skinless silicone sponge sheeting offers high performance in temps up to and exceeding 400° F (also as low as -103° F) .

Because Bellofram silicone sponge sheeting is skived from buns, it is skinless and able to meet some of the same density levels of polyurethane foam.

You never sacrifice performance with skinless silicone sponge from Bellofram. It offers outstanding recovery after compression. It is ideal for gasketing and sealing, cushioning, and vibration management applications, and displays strong chemical resistance.

Available in varying degrees of thickness, hardness, or with optional additives, it’s easy to use skinless silicone sponge sheeting in place of any polyurethane foam in your application and start reaping the added benefits of vastly improved temperature resistance.

In addition to offering standard sheets, Bellofram is the only source for skinless silicone sponge sheeting skived from buns, making custom thicknesses easy to deliver. Bellofram compounds its formulations in-house for ultimate flexibility and an assured source of raw materials to accelerate delivery. Small batches are a Bellofram specialty.