

ENGEL to demonstrate precision and efficiency for liquid silicone rubber at Plast 2023

On a fully automated high-end production cell ENGEL produces blade valves made of liquid silicone rubber (LSR). A seamless integration of tiebarless injection moulding machine, peripherals, automation and digital solutions ensures quality and at the same time high efficiency and cost effectiveness. Whether in cars, medical technology products or packaging, blade valves are used in a very wide range of applications. What all of these applications have in common is the very strict process consistency requirements in terms of injection moulding production. The precision of the small parts is safety-relevant.

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BASF now offers UV acrylic hotmelt acResin with a zero product carbon footprint

BASF is now offering its UV acrylic hotmelt acResin® with a cradle-to-gate product carbon footprint (PCF)1 of zero kg CO2e/kg2. The new products acResin® ZeroPCF A 260 UV, A 250 UV and A 204 UV are identical in quality and properties to their conventional counterparts. The carbon footprint of acResin® LowPCF UV 3532 has been reduced by more than 80%. The PCFs of BASF’s BMB products are calculated according to the new “Together for Sustainability” (TfS) guideline and comply with ISO 14067:2018.2 All of these products are manufactured at BASF’s integrated production site in Ludwigshafen, Germany, and sold worldwide.

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