

Rubberlite expands capacity for cellular rubber conversion

The new 52,000-square-foot facility will initially house new technologies and equipment purposefully designed to streamline material flow and increase manufacturing efficiencies of the company’s diverse product lines. With the addition of the new facility, Rubberlite’s campus now encompasses nearly 500,000 square feet spread over an entire city block in downtown Huntington, West Virginia.

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Sumitomo Rubber promotes Rick Zimmerman to director of original equipment

Sumitomo Rubber North America, a subsidiary of Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd., announces the promotion of Rick Zimmerman to Director of Original Equipment for both four-wheel and two-wheel businesses.

An avid automotive and motorcycle enthusiast, Zimmerman holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Finance from the University of Akron. He’s been with SRNA since February 2013, focusing his time on motorcycle OE throughout the entirety of his tenure.

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Market ReportsNewsrss4

Global silicone market forecast at $35 billion by 2032

The global Silicone market witnessed a CAGR of 6.3% during the historic with a market value of US$ 17.3 Million in 2021. However, as per the current estimates by FMI, the forecast growth outlook for Silicone is to remain around 6.8% from 2022 to 2032. This growth in demand is attributed to the growth in various end-use industries. The rise in demand for Silicone from the healthcare industry, automotive industry, and renewable energy sectors is expected to bolster the market growth in the projection period.

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Eriez promotes John Klinge to director-EMEA operations

Klinge will spearhead the company’s strategic management initiatives in the Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) region.
Klinge will manage and collaborate extensively with Eriez’ EMEA leadership teams to drive profitable growth and implement enhancements in products, systems, and capacity. His overarching goal is to further elevate Eriez’ presence in the diverse EMEA markets, solidifying the company’s position as an industry leader in the region.

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Yokohama Rubber reports record sales and earnings for 2023

The Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd., announced its business and financial results for fiscal 2023 (January to December 2023). Sales revenue increased 14.5% over the previous year, to 985.3 billion yen; business profit increased 41.4%, to 99.1 billion yen; operating profit increased 45.8%, to 100.4 billion yen; and profit attributable to owners of parent increased 46.4%, to 67.2 billion yen. All of those figures were record-high figures for full-year performance at Yokohama Rubber. Yokohama Rubber achieved its target, meanwhile, of raising the ratio of business profit to sales revenue to above 10%. That was the target for that ratio under the company’s medium-term management plan, Yokohama Transformation 2023

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