

Yokohama Rubber’s 507U tires coming factory-equipped on Isuzu’s ERGA EV

The Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd., announced that it has begun supplying its 507U rib-lug tires for low-floor buses to Isuzu Motors Limited for use as standard equipment on the automaker’s ERGA EV, a BEV flat-floor route bus, which was launched in May 2024. The 507U bears Yokohama Rubber’s proprietary “E+” mark to indicate that it has special qualities suitable for electrified vehicles. The ERGA EV is being equipped with 275/70R22.5 148/145J size tires.

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Yokohama Rubber launches the Advan Winter V907 ultahigh performance winter tire

The Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd., announces that it launched sales from this October of a new ultrahigh performance winter tire, the ADVAN WINTER V907, as an afterparts tire for the Mercedes-AMG E-Class luxury sedan. Sales initially are mainly through Mercedes-AMG dealerships in Europe. The initially available tire sizes are 245/45R19 102V for front tires and 275/40R19 105V for rear tires. Yokohama Rubber also plans to develop an ADVAN WINTER V907 replacement tire based on the new afterparts tire in a wider range of sizes, with sales to be launched sequentially at tire dealers mainly in Europe from 2025.

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AkzoNobel installs 3,551 solar panels at plant site in Poland

A major solar energy plant – AkzoNobel’s largest in Europe – has been installed at its Pilawa site in Poland, further powering the company’s efforts to transition all its production locations to renewable electricity.

Covering nearly three hectares (around the size of four football pitches), there are 3,551 solar panels, with an installed capacity of 1.9 MWp. They’ll provide nearly a quarter of the decorative paints facility’s electricity needs.

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Evonik unveils flame retardant PA12 and carbon black embedded 3D-printable powders

Evonik is unveiling its latest innovations in PA12 polymer applications for 3D printing at Formnext 2024, the highlight exposition and convention for the world’s additive manufacturing community.

Most notably on display will be the company’s PA12 based INFINAM® 6013 P and INFINAM® 6014 P 3D-printable powders, which through a feat of engineering, possess a relatively substantial amount of carbon black in the core of each particle.

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RDAbbott to host free webinar for Silastic silicone rubber

Join RDAbbott on Thursday, December 5, 2024, from 10:00 – 11:00 AM (ET) for a free webinar titled “SILASTIC™ Silicone Rubber: Forming the Future of Electric Vehicles.”

Jake Steinbrecher, Technical Service & Development Scientist at Dow, will present silicone rubber’s material compatibility, safety, and performance advantages in (Electric Vehicle) EV applications, such as cables, busbars, battery compartments, and automotive lighting.

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Yokohama Rubber reports positive third quarter

The Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd., announced its business and financial results for the first three quarters (January to September) of fiscal 2024. Sales revenue increased 13.1% over the same period of the previous year, to \782.9 billion; business profit increased 69.6%, to \83.4 billion; operating profit increased 63.8%, to \85.8 billion; and profit attributable to owners of parent increased 36.5%, to \60.8 billion. The figures for all those items were record-high figures for performance in the first three quarters at Yokohama Rubber. In addition, the company’s business profit margin, at 10.7%, was the highest ever for the first three quarters.

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Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber urges European Parliament not to amend essence of EUDR

As Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) convene to vote on 14th November on the proposed amendments to the EUDR, the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) urges them to provide legal certainty around the implementation timeline and not re-open the regulatory text.
Along with the European Tire and Rubber Manufacturers Association, GPSNR has written to the European Parliament earlier this month to ask MEPs to use the proposal for amendments solely to create certainty about the timeline and not change the substance of the regulation.

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Clariant upgrades its syngas catalyst portfolio

Clariant announced that its new Plus series syngas catalysts have been successfully introduced to the market. Over the past five years, the company upgraded its portfolio of syngas catalysts, launching ReforMax LDP Plus, ShiftMax 217 Plus, and AmoMax 10 Plus catalysts. Based on their renowned forerunners, the new catalysts were designed as drop-in solutions to improve plant economics and reduce carbon emissions. These benefits have now been demonstrated in commercial use with highly favorable results.

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