
Dow launches Luxsense silicone synthetic leather

Shanghai, China – Dow launched LUXSENSE™ Silicone Synthetic Leather, the world’s first high-end silicone-based synthetic leather material to meet specifications in transportation seating and interiors, furniture, fashion, wearable devices and consumer electronics with unique features. With this innovation in material science, Dow introduces an alternative synthetic leather solution that offers comfort, health, and luxury, all while offering enhanced sustainability. “Globally, concerns over environmental protection and animal welfare are rapidly reshaping the leather industry – especially in China, the world’s largest leather market. Meanwhile, we saw that both general leather and the current synthetic alternatives could not meet the growing requirements for automotive and wearable electronic products when it came to weatherability, stain resistance, odor, and sustainability – so we developed LUXSENSE™ Brand to address these needs,” said Jeroen Bello, DOW Global Marketing Director, Mobility & Transportation. “As a global leader in silicone technology, Dow leveraged the unique molecular structure of silicone to match consumer demands for leather in terms of softness, moisture permeability, stability and environmental friendliness.”

Known for its soft touch and breathability, general leather offers premium texture and comfort. However, it also has some distinct disadvantages, including weak UV resistance, poor crack and anti-aging resistance, and fragility. Other kinds of synthetic leather, by contrast, are durable but with the problem of hazardous, irritating odor emissions, which come from complex chemical agents, posing a threat to human health.

With the increasing awareness of the needs for greater sustainability and animal welfare, manufacturers and consumers are demanding innovative solutions that can integrate the advantages of traditional leather in terms of sight, smell, touch, and sustainability. Leveraging these insights on consumer and market needs while relentlessly exploring innovative technology, Dow developed LUXSENSE™ Brand as a novel solution.

LUXSENSE™ Brand offers a luxurious sense of sight in terms of cleanliness, durability, color personalization and design freedom. It avoids DMF and plasticizer usage, providing enhanced sustainability, as well as superior UV resistance and hydrolysis resistance that effectively prevents leather aging. Meanwhile, high flame retardancy is coupled with self-extinguishable features, and no harmful gasses are released in the event of a fire, making it a safe option for use in confined spaces. LUXSENSE™ Brand adopts the innovative top coating technique to ensure fresh and non-tacky touch even in sultry and humid environments.

This combination of product benefits for both manufacturers and end-users means that LUXSENSE™ Brand is widely applicable in a broad range of sectors and scenarios, including transportation seating and interiors, furniture, fashion, smart wearable devices, consumer electronics, and other fields where there is a stringent demand for high-quality material selection.

The launch of LUXSENSE™ Brand supports Dow’s companywide commitment to reduce its net annual carbon emissions by an additional 15 percent, reducing net annual carbon emissions by approximately 30 percent by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Adhering to the concept of Seek Together, Dow is striving for a positive impact on society and the planet with innovative partners.