
Endurica announces the incorporation of Endurica Europe, SARL

Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg – Endurica LLC, the developer and provider of the world’s most comprehensive CAE workflows for fatigue analysis of elastomers, announces a strategic expansion in Europe with the incorporation of a new sister company, Endurica Europe SARL. Headquartered in Luxembourg, Endurica Europe SARL is chartered with two strategic objectives: Growth – to extend the market presence of Endurica’s industry-leading software and services solutions, along with improved customer service in Europe; and Innovation – to expand Endurica’s technical leadership in elastomer durability with new capabilities and support for a broader range of polymers to enable customers to reach their sustainability goals.
“There’s a lot of activity in the rubber industry happening here in Europe,” explains William V. Mars, Ph.D., P.E., founder and president of Endurica LLC and president of Endurica Europe SARL. “Endurica is all about durability and connecting parts of the supply chain that are sometimes very siloed and disconnected. With pretty much every tire and rubber part, durability is at the core of the brand promise. You can use Endurica workflows at every level of the supply chain to make product life predictions, long before you mix and mold a prototype. This means more design and compound options evaluated quickly and economically, and you can rest confidently knowing your selection will pass the physical testing phase as well.”
“With Europe’s emphasis on sustainability, this is the right time and place to expand Endurica’s role to increase the use of more environmentally friendly materials and products,” adds Thomas G. Ebbott, PhD, vice president of Endurica and managing director of Endurica Europe SARL. “We look forward to partnering with European-based organizations and engaging with the top talent in the region to develop and deploy cutting-edge durability analysis methods to help customers reach their sustainability targets.”
Mr. Jean-Pierre Jeusette is the executive director of Endurica Europe and is responsible for business governance and go-to-market strategy. Jean-Pierre resides in Luxembourg and formerly held positions with Goodyear as the vice president of global quality and as the general director of Goodyear’s Innovation Center in Luxembourg. He was key to the development of technology for computational tire mechanics and its use in the product development process.
Mr. Wes McMinimy is Endurica Europe’s business development manager with responsibility for business growth and day-to-day operations. Wes resides in Luxembourg, has a degree in civil engineering, and recent experience as senior product manager with Amazon.