
European replacement tire sales show a sequential improvement in Q2

Brussels, Belgium – The European Tyre and Rubber Manufacturers’ Association (ETRMA) published its members’ replacement tire sales figures for the second quarter, and the first half of 2024.

Adam McCarthy, ETRMA’s Secretary General, said, “After a negative trend in full year 2023 with -8% in Consumer and -17% in Truck (versus 2022) , the evolution in volumes in first half of 2024 improved in Consumer mainly thanks to the All Seasons segment but remained negative in Truck. The second quarter was better than the first quarter, even if the inflationary and the geopolitical context led to a drop in demand and a reduction of inventory levels. Agricultural tire sales were supported by rainy weather conditions.”

Read ETRMA’s quarterly update on their website to learn more about the latest data on tire imports into Europe (EU27 plus UK), passenger mobility trends and used tires generated in Europe.