
Giti Tire joins United Nations Global Compact as 2nd major recent CSR commitment

Singapore – Giti Tire has joined the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) as a Signatory, in its second major sustainability commitment during the month of September. As part of the United Nations, the UNGC is a highly respected and important global business agreement, that requires a commitment to adhering to the Ten Principles of the United Nations, including  human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. An annual submission of the Communication on Progress (COP), as well as paid membership contribution is also a requirement for this compact.

Together with Giti’s recent acceptance as a member of GPSNR (Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber), this commitment and others separate Giti Tire among industry peers as one that has an extensive focus on social responsibility principles. In fact, this direction is not new, as Giti has for decades had a very strong involvement in conservation and CSR initiatives – particularly in the areas of environment support, education, and sustainable production. However, these new commitments are a part of the company’s expanding efforts in 2021 to take its sustainability programs to new level.