
Join the Detroit Rubber Group as they tour A2MAC1 facilities

Detroit, MI – The Detroit Rubber Group announces a bonus event this year. Join them in benchmarking rubber in the automotive industry at A2Mac1.

The event will take place Tuesday, June 20th, from 12:00pm to 4:00pm at the A2Mac1 facility in Belleville, MI. During the event, participants will receive a facility tour of A2Mac1, review A2Mac1’s extensive database, and have a hands-on look at each individual piece, rubber and all, of a recently-released automotive.

The cost to attend the Technical Program is $65 for non-members, $50 for members, and $25 for OEM’s and students. Lunch is included in the cost of attendance. A one-year membership to the DRG is included in the non-member cost. All proceeds from the event go to the DRG Scholarship Program.

If you have any questions or would like to reserve, please reply to this email or reach out directly to Erik LaBelle at [email protected].