
March 2025

Highlighted content in the March issue of Rubber World includes:

MgO additive adjusts curing times in a silica filled light colored rubber compound
by Majid Aman-Alikhani, consultant.
By using magnesium oxide (MgO) as a reinforcing filler, it is possible to significantly reduce the curing time of light colored silica filled compounds. Read

Sustainable and hypoallergenic biorubber and biolatex from Taraxacum kok-saghyz
by Anvar Buranov, Nova-Biorubber Green Technologies.
A patented green process for biorubber extraction from the Taraxacum kok-saghyz plant provides significant savings in processing costs compared to existing technologies. Read

Robust composites from PU foam glycolysis products
by Didya Iyer, Antonio Garcia IV, Mohammad Galadari, Riddhi Kaley, Vanessa Huaco and Samanvaya Srivastava, University of California, Los Angeles.
High strength composites are designed with polyurethane foam glycolysis products. Read

Custom mixing and services directories
Directories list custom rubber mixing and services suppliers. Custom rubber mixers are listed along with plant locations, equipment, mixing capabilities and whether technical service and/or recipe development are offered. A directory of companies that offer various custom services to the rubber industry follows. Read

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