
Not too late to register for the International Elastomer Conference

Akron, OH – It may be quickly approaching, but it’s not too late to register for the International Elastomer Conference!

The International Elastomer Conference is the one place, one time a year, where you find the best of our industry all under one roof. It is an event where connections are made, knowledge is shared, new products, new technology and new ideas are introduced, business is conducted, developed and gained, fun is had, encouragement and empowerment happen, and the future is embraced.

Components include: Expo – 140 exhibitors; Technical Meeting – 91 presentations; Educational Symposium – 10 courses; Women’s Workshop; Student Programs; Networking Events; Special Events – Opening Ceremony & Keynote Address, 5K Walk/Run, Chair’s Breakfast, 25-Year Club Luncheon, Career Fair & Awards Breakfast.

To register visit