
Rubber Division, ACS Spring Technical Meeting housing closes April 15th

Akron, OH – The Rubber Division, ACS Spring Technical Meeting event is only three weeks away and housing closes April 15th.

Technical Meeting Topics include:
• Nanoscale Characterization of Rubbery Materials & Composites
• Computational Chemistry & Multiscale Modelling
• Structure & Physics of Elastomers
• Friction of Rubber at Interfaces
• Winter Performance in Passenger Tires
• Recycling & Reprocessing of Rubber
• Seals & Dynamic Sealing
• Science & Technology Award Winner Presentations
Not able to join in-person? The Spring Technical Meeting presentations will be available after the meeting for on demand viewing.

Educational Symposium Courses:
• Rubber Explained – This course was designed for sales and executives working in the rubber industry. Centered around practical explanations and basic fundamentals, this is the perfect course for the non-technical individual.
• Processing & Testing of Rubber – Mixing, extrusion, molding and testing is the focus of this course. Different mixer types and rotors types will be reviewed. Extrusion, salt batch and other processing will be discussed along with how to troubleshoot processing problems. Compression, injection, transfer molding and other molding will also be discussed. The testing section includes quality control and more details on most rubber tests.

Visit for more information.