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Sumitomo Rubber develops new technique for predicting tire noise

Tokyo, Japan – Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd. has announced the development of a new technique for predicting noise resulting from the combined vibration of tires and vehicles. Employing a tire rolling motion simulation, the method allows both tire and vehicle manufacturers to reduce product-generated noise. This reduction enhances passenger comfort and shortens delivery time by minimizing development hours and physical prototypes. The company plans to address various user needs, including model-based tire and vehicle development, while promoting environmentally friendly tire solutions.

The technique involves predicting roadway noise, which significantly impacts passenger comfort. As electric vehicles (EVs) become more prevalent, their lack of engine noise makes road noise even more noticeable. Sumitomo Rubber Industries has overcome challenges by combining tire and vehicle performance using the transfer function synthesis method. This approach allows simulation-based assessment of axis vibration characteristics during tire rolling, which is otherwise difficult to achieve experimentally. The company presented these findings at the 2023 JSAE Annual Congress, with a pending patent for the simulation method.

By leveraging the “Tire Aerodynamic Simulation,” effective for reducing EV electricity consumption, and integrating the new noise simulation technique, Sumitomo Rubber Industries aims to meet evolving user demands. This includes developing EV tires, advanced tire solutions, and model-based approaches. Additionally, the company emphasizes environmentally friendly tire development through resource-efficient practices.

In March 2023, Sumitomo Rubber Industries introduced its unique Circular Economy Concept for the Tire Industry, known as TOWANOWA. This concept features a two-ring structure: the “Sustainable Ring,” comprising five value chain processes, and the “Data Ring,” connecting big data from each process. The goal is to create new value by sharing and utilizing data across the industry.