Yokohama establishes “Yokohama Rubber Group Human Rights Policy”
Tokyo, Japan – The Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd., announced that it has established the “Yokohama Rubber Group Human Rights Policy” (hereafter, “the Policy”) based on the United Nation’s “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights*1.” The Policy takes effect from April 28.
As a guideline for conducting its global business activities, the entire Yokohama Rubber Group has committed to observing the UN Global Compact’s 10 principles in four areas (Human Rights, Labour, Environment, Anti-Corruption). In addition, considering the Group’s wide sphere of influence, Yokohama Rubber regards respect for human rights as one of its most important corporate responsibilities. The new Policy complements the “Yokohama Rubber Group Action Guidelines,” which states in the first line that “We shall respect human rights inside and outside the company.” Accordingly, the entire Group has been endeavoring conduct all activities with a demonstrable respect for human rights.
The Policy was formulated to once again share the awareness of respect for human rights with all Group members and to further strengthen initiatives that demonstrate respect for human rights, as the Group accelerates its efforts to expand its global business activities.
Yokohama Transformation 2023 (YX2023), Yokohama Rubber’s medium-term management plan for fiscal years 2021–2023, includes ESG initiatives that are based on the concept of “Caring for the Future.” In line with its efforts to contribute to realization of a sustainable society as a company that is widely trusted by society, Yokohama Rubber will promote respect for human rights as a fundamental basis for conducting business activities throughout the Yokohama Rubber Group.
*1: The UN’s “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” was endorsed by the United Nations Human Rights Council in 2011 as a set of guidelines for all nation states and business enterprises ensure respect for human rights. The Guiding Principles include foundational and operational principles regarding the protection and respect for human rights by nation states and business enterprises divided under “The State Duty to Protect Human Rights” and the “Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights.