
Yokohama Rubber awarded “Prime” status in ESG corporate ratings

Hiratsuka, Japan—The Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd. announced that it has received “Prime” status for the first time in the latest ESG corporate ratings by ISS ESG, the responsible investment arm of Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (headquarters in USA), one of the world’s leading proxy advisory firms.

ISS ESG corporate ratings are based on its evaluations of companies’ environmental, social, and governance initiatives from the perspective of double materiality. The ratings are used by investors to assess companies’ ESG-related risks, opportunities, and impact. Companies that receive a high overall evaluation in their industry are awarded “Prime” status, and Yokohama Rubber has been awarded “Prime” status in the “Auto Components” industry. Under Yokohama Transformation 2026 (YX2026), the Company’s medium-term management plan for 2024–2026, Yokohama Rubber aims to fulfill the concept of double materiality and realize a balance between profitability and contribution to a decarbonized and recycling-oriented society. The “Prime” status awarded to Yokohama Rubber reflects the particularly high evaluation of the Company’s efforts in environmental management and social-related areas (human capital, supply chain management, and human rights).

Yokohama Rubber’s ESG-related activities have been highly evaluated by several third-party entities. The Company was recently selected for inclusion in the FTSE4Good Index Series of global ESG stock indexes for the 20th consecutive year and also was included in CDP’s 2023 Climate Change A List.