
Yokohama Rubber head office update

Tokyo, Japan – The Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd., announced that, as previously announced on February 17 this year, it is moving head office functions from Tokyo’s Minato Ward to its Hiratsuka Factory in Hiratsuka City in Kanagawa Prefecture. The relocation is aimed at increasing operating efficiency by bringing management of core functions together in one site while also promoting work-style reforms. Details regarding the relocation are provided below.

The head offices of subsidiaries Yokohama Tire Japan Co., Ltd., and Yokohama Industrial Products Japan Co., Ltd., as well as certain Yokohama Rubber sales and marketing departments will relocate to a newly established Tokyo business office.

New head office address will be 2-1 Oiwake, Hiratsuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture, 254-8601

Start of operations at new head office begins January 10 to March 6, 2023 (start dates at the new head office vary among head office divisions)

Access is a 15-minute walk from JR East Tokaido line Hiratsuka Station’s North Exit, or 4 minutes by bus (Kanagawa Chuo Kotsu)
Board from bus stop #7 or #2 on north side of Hiratsuka Station Exit at “Yokohama Gomu Mae” bus stop

New Tokyo office address will be Shinagawa Intercity Tower C 13th floor, 15-3 Konan 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-6213

Start of operations at new Tokyo business office is January 16 to January 30, 2023 (start dates at the new Tokyo office vary among divisions)