
Sumitomo Chemical receives gold medal in EcoVadis sustainability assessment for the second year in a row

Tokyo, Japan – Sumitomo Chemical has received a Gold medal in a sustainability assessment by EcoVadis for the second consecutive year.

Established in 2007, EcoVadis is a performance rating agency focused on corporate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices, working to help companies improve their environmental and social practices through their global supply chains. The agency has assessed about 75,000 companies from 160 countries across 200 business sectors in terms of corporate policies, initiatives, and achievements in four areas: Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement. A large number of global companies refer to EcoVadis assessment results as one of the important selection criteria for choosing suppliers from an ESG perspective.

In this year’s assessment, Sumitomo Chemical has marked a high score in the area of Environment for the second consecutive year, and has also attained a score increase in Sustainable Procurement. Specifically, the Company has been highly rated in Environment for its established medium- to long-term climate action targets and its steady implementation of measures to achieve these targets. In addition, the assessment has recognized the Company’s efforts to put sustainable procurement into action more extensively, emphasizing the respect for the environment and human rights.

The Sumitomo Chemical Group has taken strong encouragement from these assessment results, and will work together to step up its sustainability efforts. The Company will also continue to deliver sustainable growth and meet the expectations of our stakeholders by contributing to the creation of a sustainable society through our business.