
Goodyear renews partnership with Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

Luxembourg – The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) held the fifth edition of its Tech Day, with a focus on the interactions between humans and technology, on Thursday 15 June 2023 in Esch-Belval.

Over 350 participants, including 160 companies and institutions, had the opportunity to test out seven flagship technologies and attend the signing of a new partnership agreement with Goodyear.

In his opening speech, Claude Meisch, Luxembourg’s Minister for Higher Education and Research, reportedly emphasized that LIST is a prime example of the impact that a research and technology organization can have, through its cutting-edge research activities, on innovative developments in business and on sustainability in society. “LIST is undoubtedly a major player in Luxembourg in promoting diversity through research on versatile and technology-oriented programs, and Tech Day exemplifies this commitment,” he stated.

Over the last seven years, LIST and The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company have collaborated to achieve results in the areas of material research, understanding of structure-property relationships and data science. According to LIST, the results of the two companies’ collaborative work have the potential to make Luxembourg a center for innovation for mobility with a focus on tires and tire-related technology.

On the 2023 edition of Tech Day, LIST and Goodyear signed the second phase of their partnership, building on the outcomes of their previous collaborations and entering new technological areas as well. The agreement includes six strategic research programs covering the 2024-2029 period.

Moreover, LIST and Goodyear have identified several topics as potential fields of interest that may be added at a later stage of the collaboration.

“This second phase of strategic partnership is meant to broaden the scope of our successful collaboration with Goodyear,” Dirk Fransaer, CEO ad interim of LIST stated. “It embraces Luxembourg’s national priorities, such as sustainability, digital transformation and circular economy. Two pillars, i.e. digitalisation and materials sustainability, will support this vision for a duration of six years.”

“Goodyear is focused on advancing mobility and sustainability efforts on a global scale,” said Chris Helsel, Senior Vice President Global Operations and Chief Technology Officer at Goodyear. “We have set several ambitions to address future mobility needs, but we know we can’t do this alone. Key partnerships, like that with the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, are vital to making significant progress towards these bold ambitions.”