

Optimizing cost savings in EPDM extrusion compounds

EPDM has not been immune to significant price increases, material shortages and allocations. As extrusion expenses are dominated by material cost and throughput, price and efficiency are of the essence. One of the most common ways to improve cost efficiencies in extrusion compounds is to lower material cost by extending the polymer as much as possible using high amounts of filler, for which EPDM is perfectly suited. The other option to decrease costs is to run more product in the same amount of time, requiring a material with higher extrusion rates.

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Evaluation of resilient graphitic carbon in a lip seal formulation

The potential of Superior Graphite (RGC39A graphite) in a model lip seal formulation was evaluated for abrasion resistance for a wide range of loads. The abrasion testing was based on the ASTM D3702 test method for wear rate and coefficient of friction (COF) of materials in self-lubricated rubbing contact using a thrust washer testing machine. The role of graphite type on key properties was determined. The evaluations included tensile properties, hardness, Phillips dispersion, abrasion resistance and coefficient of friction. The abrasion and COF test varied the counter surface conditions (dry, wet and oily) and the load (pressure) from 30 to 625 psi.

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