
ExtrusionMachinery & EquipmentNewsrss1

Guill Tool introduces a co-extrusion crosshead designed for irrigation tubing

Guill Tool introduces Series 824, a co-extrusion crosshead designed for irrigation tubing with an emitter tool.   Manufactured from stainless steel, this new crosshead features balanced flow design with spiral technology that improves flow characteristics at all extruder speeds.  Dual feed ports provide concentric compound flow, while the splits flow from one extruder to feed the inside and outside layers via a manifold assembly.   Series 824 is adaptable to all popular extruders on the market currently

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ArticlesFeaturedThermoplastic Elastomers & Urethanes

Novel value-added thermoplastic elastomers bonding to polyamides

Bonding thermoplastic elastomers to polar and non-polar substrates has been widely studied in the past few decades to create products that enhance ergonomic comfort and functionality. Overmolding a TPE compared to two-shot molding is a litmus test for bonding the material to the substrate. The TPE must wet the cold surface and must melt a few nanometers of the surface of the substrate that is being overmolded on to facilitate bonding.

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ArticlesFeaturedThermoplastic Elastomers & Urethanes

Recyclate based composite TPO membrane for embedded waterproofing of concrete roofs

Preformed membranes are primarily made from EPDM, PVC, TPO, HDPE, atactic PP, SBS and modified bitumin, etc. The focus of this article is TPO membranes, which are extensively used for exposed roof waterproofing and heat insulation. First introduced in Europe in the early 1990s, TPO membranes were developed as an alternative to PVC to overcome issues around plasticizer migration and membrane integrity breakdown, resulting in wash away and chemical contamination, as well as mold growth affected by weathering over the years; and finally culminating in cracking and leakages. TPOs have since become very popular due to their durability, UV and heat resistance, energy efficiency, as well as cost-effectiveness.

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ArticlesFeaturedThermoplastic Elastomers & Urethanes

Fumed silica benefits mechanical properties of TPU prepared by in situ polymerization

Fumed silica is widely used as a reinforcement additive in silicone elastomers with significant mechanical property benefits, namely increased tensile strength, elongation and tear strength, among others. However, the use of fumed silica in thermoplastics is limited because of the difficulty to effectively add them via melt compounding by an extruder. Fumed silicas are extremely light; they have a bulk density of about 50 to 100 g/l. Thus, feeding this low density powder into the extruder, as well as conveying and mixing it with a viscous polymer melt, presents a challenge in typical plastics compounding operations.

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ArticlesFeaturedThermoplastic Elastomers & Urethanes

Software based tape stacking with the aid of camera technology paves the way for thermoplastic composites

Thermoplastic tapes are expected to achieve great things, namely to shape the next generation of thermoplastic composites. This calls for highly accurate tape stacking. At the same time, tape processing must not become so complex that it becomes uneconomical. Engel contributes this technology to achieve a breakthrough by combining high precision control software with camera technology in tape stacking.

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ArticlesOil, Gas & Energy

Thermoplastic polymer has API 610 recognition

CDI Energy Products announced that its latest material to achieve API 610 recognition outperformed service life expectations under extremely corrosive sulfuric acid conditions. API 610 is the standard for centrifugal pumps for the petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries. CDI’s proprietary thermoplastic polymer composite, Dures 200, was the foundation for critical components developed for an API 610 vertical single casing diffuser pump (VS1) for a high production sulfuric acid plant. CDI’s material scientists and engineers collaborated with the pump OEM to custom design suction bell eye case rings, bowl eye case rings and bowl bushings which could sustain differential pressures of over 200 psi, coupled with an extreme temperature profile of -20°F to 105°F (-28.8°C to 40.55°C).

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