

Synthesis of reduced graphene oxide/clay nanohybrid: Efficient adsorbent for CO2 and flame retardant

Research shows the development of a graphene/clay hybrid which is an eco-friendly material with air purification capability, and which can also serve as a flame retardant additive in polymers. Two-dimensional nanomaterials like layered silicates, graphene and layered hydroxides (LDH) have been widely studied due to their high aspect ratio, which in turn enhances properties like flame resistance, mechanical properties, gas adsorption, barrier properties and water purification.

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ArticlesTesting & Instruments

Polymer quality control: Real-time near infrared testing cuts cost up to 90%

While traditional testing is critical in determining polymerization factors, from simple moisture content to complete chemical analysis, it is time consuming, labor intensive, and has substantial ongoing costs in terms of the purchase and disposal of consumables such as reagents and chemicals. Conventionally, it requires sample preparation, and can take five to 15 minutes for moisture testing, and 24 to 48 hours for more complex chemical testing. Fortunately, an approach using near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy can now provide immediate, real time laboratory quality readings via a non-contact, secondary measurement method that can deliver moisture, composition analysis and even full spectrum readings for a fraction of the running cost of conventional methods.

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ArticlesTesting & Instruments

Elastomer testing industry

Global test standards published by organizations such as ASTM International or ISO include methods to characterize the fundamental properties of materials, as well as more application specific properties. ASTM D412, one of the more elementary elastomer tests, is a widely used test standard for determining the tensile properties of all thermosetting and thermoplastic elastomers, no matter their intended use. ASTM D412 measures two of the three fundamental properties mentioned above: tensile strength and elongation at break.

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