

Everzinc to increase prices August 1, 2022

Everzinc announced a price increase of $225/MT for all orders effective August 1, 2022.
In a press release Nicholas Kob,  VP. Zinc Specialties said, “We continue to face an extreme inflationary environment in 2022 and have experienced unprecedented increasing manufacturing costs. We have worked diligently to manage and offset these cost increases. However, due to macro events out of our control and the foreseen pressures to continue in 2022, and given the continued severity of the cost escalation, we can no longer afford not to pass along the rising cost, even after considering all alternatives to avoid this action. ”

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RDAbbott to co-sponsor LSR 2022

RDAbbott invites you to join them for LSR 2022, the premiere conference about liquid silicone rubber (LSR), at the Hilton Irvine in California from September 13 – 15. LSR 2022 will include two days of technical presentations, a panel discussion about LSR processing, an exhibitor area to connect with other attendees, plus a free off-site tour of ARBURG’s nearby facility.

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Continental announces Mobility Study 2022: High Energy Prices

People are increasingly worried about the affordability of their mobility. This is one of the key findings of the Mobility Study 2022, published by Continental. Generally high inflation rates and above all the rapid rise in energy prices are threatening to put the brakes on the transformation of mobility in Germany. Sustainability, specifically in relation to cars, is becoming increasingly relevant to a majority of German citizens. In accordance with this, only 44 percent of Germans surveyed expect the future of mobility to be electric. For a narrow majority of people in Germany, however, environmentally friendly mobility is not currently viewed as a priority against the backdrop of high electricity, gasoline and diesel fuel prices. In addition, more than half of those surveyed in Germany will no longer be able to afford to drive if the price of gasoline exceeds €2.80 per liter. Cost is on people’s minds when it comes to switching to climate-friendly mobility as well: half of the respondents are not prepared to spend more on an environmentally friendly vehicle than on a conventional one. At the same time, almost half (43 percent) indicate the high costs as a reason against specifically purchasing an electric vehicle. In the opinion of a vast majority, governments should therefore do more – through subsidies, for instance – to ensure a rise in the proportion of emission-free vehicles and, above all, to ensure that mobility remains affordable overall. It is the duty of policymakers to create the framework conditions required to achieve this – these expectations are made quite clear by those who took part in the mobility study.

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