
Elastocon upgrades stress relaxation test sytems

Bramhult, Sweden – The continuous stress relaxation test system from the Swedish company Elastocon has been upgraded, both in hardware and software used for these tests.

Elastocon can now offer test systems for stress relaxation tests in the temperature range between -70 °C to +350 °C, depending on the chosen configuration.

Some of the system configurations can cycle the temperature and there are also options with individual temperature control in each cell. This means that in an oven with 6 cells it is theoretically possible to test up to 6 different material and/or in up to 6 different temperatures at the same time. The tests can be done in air or liquid, in both compression and tension.

Elastocon’s software for stress relaxation testing, EC 05, has also been upgraded, with over 100 improvements and new features. Some examples are evaluation by F/F0, R(t) or ISO 3384 method B directly in the software. Another improvement is the reworked log point viewer, which now easily can find e.g. the time points necessary for an Arrhenius plot and a lifetime estimation of rubber materials.

As an additional help, Elastocon has also launched the EC 15 software for Arrhenius plot, a user-friendly software, which makes lifetime estimation easier than ever.