
Gummiwerk Kraiburg’s compound portfolio for the Italian food industry

Waldkraiburg, Germany – Gummiwerk KRAIBURG has expanded its portfolio with materials specifically developed to meet the requirements of the Italian food market. These compounds enable manufacturers of food contact materials – Materiali e Oggetti a Contatto con Alimenti (MOCA) – to comply with the stringent regulations outlined in the Italian Ministerial Decree DM 21/03/1973. The majority of these compounds also meet the requirements of the U.S. FDA CFR 21 § 177.2600.

Customized elastomer compounds for the Italian food industry – The German compounding specialist brings extensive expertise in elastomer compounds for food applications. In response to the new German BfR (Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung, Federal Institute for Risk Assessment) recommendations, the company has already dealt intensively with the strict requirements in the food sector and consistently developed a dedicated product portfolio. Compounds for the Italian market are produced using the same proven manufacturing processes.

The portfolio, based on NR, NBR, EPDM and FKM with hardness range from 50 Shore A to 87 Shore A, provides versatile application possibilities. Through careful selection of recipe components, Gummiwerk KRAIBURG provides not only colored but also black compounds that meet particularly stringent regulatory requirements. These materials enable the production of consumer goods that comply with Italy’s MOCA standards.

MOCA: compliance for consumer goods – responsibilities and requirements – The Ministerial Decree of 21/03/1973 outlines Italy’s hygiene regulations for packaging, containers and utensils intended for contact with food or articles for personal use.

This decree represents the Italian counterpart to the German BfR recommendations. As with the German BfR Recommendation XXI (and other relevant regulations for food contact materials), the 1973 Ministerial Decree also assigns responsibility for the safety of food contact materials and articles to the manufacturers of finished products.

At the EU level, Regulation (EC) No.1935/2004 establishes the overarching framework, the core principle of which is that no substances must migrate from consumer goods into food in quantities that could endanger human health due to their nature or amount. In the absence of a specific measure for rubber, the compound used to manufacture consumer goods must comply with the respective national positive list and the national regulatory requirements for such goods. Consumer goods made from these compounds must be submitted by the manufacturer to an accredited institute for mandatory testing to ensure compliance with the relevant standards.

Stricter controls for consumer goods in Italy – With the entry into force of the Five-Year Plan in 2023, Italy has tightened its regulations on food contact materials. These measures aim to enhance compliance controls for consumer goods that come into contact with food. Non-compliance can result in severe penalties, including substantial fines and stricter enforcement actions.

Gummiwerk KRAIBURG’s compounds not only meet the required regulatory standards but also offer high reliability and durability to meet the demanding requirements of the food industry.