

Freudenberg Medical introduces HelixFlex high purity TPE tubing

Freudenberg Medical introduces HelixFlex™, a high purity thermoplastic elastomer TPE tubing designed for use in pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical applications. This is an expanded offering from Freudenberg, adding to its existing pharma product portfolio of silicone tubing and fluid transfer products for bioprocessing, drug and vaccine manufacturing, filling and sampling, peristaltic pumping, laboratory, and medical device applications.

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BKT reports positive numbers for fiscal year

BKT has closed 2021-2022 financial year, with the official approval of the Board of Directors, during their last meeting. All related figures have been disclosed.

From April, 1 2021 to March, 31 2022 BKT has generated a consolidated turnover of 873304 Rs. in Lakhs (INR) with an increase of 46.64%, if compared to April, 1 2020 – March, 31 2021, when BKT generated a consolidated turnover of 595535 Rs. In Lakhs (INR).

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Yokohama reports lower earnings for first quarter

The Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd., announced its business and financial results for the first quarter (January to March) of fiscal 2022. Profit attributable to owners of parent declined 63.5% from the same period of the previous year, to 10.2 billion yen; on a 62.7% decline in operating profit, to 13.5 billion yen; a 2.5% decline in business profit, to 13.7 billion yen; and a 28.4% increase in sales revenue, to 185.6 billion yen.

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Synthos to showcase sustainable technologies at Tire Technology Expo 2022

Synthos to showcase its sustainable technologies at Tire Technology Expo 2022, taking place May 18-20, 2022, in Hannover, Germany. The show will be Synthos’ first industry event since acquiring Trinseo’s synthetic rubber business in late 2021. It is an opportunity for the company to present an even stronger synthetic rubber portfolio to the market and highlight recent announcements such as the development of its advanced bio-butadiene technology and ISCC mass balance certification for its entire rubber offering.

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Goodyear Endurance WHA becomes company’s first waste haul tire made with renewable soybean oil

The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company announced at the 2022 Waste Expo trade show, a new formulation of its popular Endurance™ WHA waste haul tire made with a renewable soybean oil compound. The Endurance WHA is now made with soybean oil, which replaces a portion of the petroleum-based materials used in its production. The soybean oil in the tire is a bio-based material currently sourced from surplus left over from food applications and is another step in Goodyear’s global journey to fully replace petroleum-derived oils by 2040.

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