
ArticlesOil, Gas & Energy

Sealing solutions offered for air and sea

In aerospace, demand has increased for actuator designs that meet and exceed more rigorous performance standards, while providing unprecedented safety and reliability. Some of these requirements, such as the fire and flammability resistance defined in ISO 2685 and RTCA DO-160, go beyond the use of standard hydraulic seal designs. These high temperature, challenging requirements significantly impact commercial aircraft engine safety, and often force the use of heavy, bulky, easily damaged and costly external fire shielding. As a result, Greene Tweed developed the Fireproof Hydraulic Seal (FPH Seal), which has been specifically engineered to meet this need and establish a shielding alternative.

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NewsMachinery & Equipmentrss2

MonTech re-vamps hydraulic lab press product line

MonTech continues to put product advancements at the forefront of it’s mission. Instrument trends come and go, and in many industry circumstances, the engineering remains the same. To meet the growing demand of new lab presses, MonTech has applied advanced technologies into their designs to further solidify their standing as the leader in rubber lab press engineering

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ArticlesSilicone & Medical

Silicone rubber recycling plant completes phase one

The first silicone rubber recycling plant in the U.S. has completed phase one of development. Started in 2018, ECO USA’s pilot facility has undergone tremendous growth. It can currently recycle approximately 500 metric tons of silicone monthly, with plans for reaching 1,000 metric tons in the near future. The success comes at a pivotal moment when a surge of silicone waste is being observed as a result of the increase of silicone usage in product manufacturing

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The case for reintroducing latex surgical and exam glove production back into the U.S.

The world today uses 12,000 medical gloves per second. Prior to the UP publication, U.S. glove production had been satisfied by a number of medical device manufacturers, namely, Safeskin, Ansell, Aladan, Baxter, Smith & Nephew and Johnson & Johnson. In addition, glove imports in the U.S. prior to 1985 were 1 billion pieces. In 1996, imports exceeded 21 billion pieces.

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ArticlesSilicone & Medical

Nickel-aluminum fluorosilicone meets EMI specs

Nickel-aluminum fluorosilicone that combines EMI shielding with fuel, solvent and galvanic corrosion resistance, has been independently tested to 40 GHz and can be used with military electronic products that need to meet MIL-DTL-461 5.18 RE103 requirements for controlling electromagnetic interference (EMI). SSP’s EMI fluorosilicone has also been independently tested to MIL-DTL-83528 for elastomeric shielding gaskets, and to ASTM E595 for outgassing.

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Keltan 2470E EPDM Grade for Excellent Electrical Performance in Wire and Cable

Ethylene propylene diene polymers (EPDM) are the most widely used rubbers in the range of available synthetic rubbers for non-tire applications. Due to the unsaturated backbone, EPDM can be employed in various applications in which characteristics such as resistance to ozone, heat and moisture, flexibility at low temperatures, a wide range of tensile strength and hardness levels, and excellent electrical insulating properties are important

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